Mulank 1 Characteristics & Traits | Numerology 2025

People who are born on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month, their mulank will be 1. So, let’s know about the people with moolank 1. The ruling planet of this number is the Sun.

In numerology, a person’s future and present are told on the basis of his date of birth. The mulank is found by calculating the date of birth. These numbers are calculated from 1 to 9. For example, anyone born on the 19th of any month, then his mulank will be 1+9=10, i.e, 1+0=1.

Personality & Behaviour of People With Mulank 1

Radiance – In numerology, the lord of people with mulank 1 is considered to be the Sun. The Sun is said to be the king of the planets, due to which similar qualities are seen in people with mulank 1.

Leadership – People with mulank 1 are full of leadership qualities and they are natural leaders.

Communication – They have good communication skills and can easily win over people.

Social – People with mulank 1 have a very good social circle. People are always around them in society. Also, other people are always ready to help them.

Self-Assurance – You are naturally very self-reliant and confident. You make your own way and trust yourself completely.

Political – People with the number 1 perform very well in politics. Their determination ensures that they overcome political setbacks and challenges.

Ideal Profession for Mulank 1

People with mulank 1 want to do something different and new in their career. They are best in Govt. Job.

  1. President
  2. Secretary
  3. Leaders
  4. Managing Director or CEO
  5. Interior or dress designing

Mulank 1 Married Life

When it comes to their married life, they are not lucky in love matters This means they are more likely to have an arranged marriage. However, once married, they prove to be honest, loyal, and devoted partners. Due to this reason, the natives of mulank 1 spend a happy married life.

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Numerology Compatibility of Mulank 1

Individuals born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th have the strongest compatibility with those having Mulank 5. They also share a harmonious relationship with individuals having Mulank 3, which is regarded as the ‘minister’ in numerology. Mulank 1 and Mulank 3 are seen as complementary to each other. Additionally, people with Mulank 1 benefit from the full support of those with Mulank 9.

People with Mulank 1 often have difficulties getting along with those who have Mulank 8. This is because Mulank 8 is ruled by Saturn, and the relationship between the Sun (ruler of Mulank 1) and Saturn is generally unfavorable. Additionally, individuals with Mulank 1 may not have the best rapport with those with Mulank 4, as Mulank 4 is ruled by Rahu.


  1. Rise early in the morning and make an offering of water to the Sun.
  2. If you want to progress in life then chant Gayatri Mantra daily.
  3. Place Surya Yantra in the East direction and worship it daily.
  4. For auspicious results you should use yellow color more.
  5. Apart from this try not to use black, blue or any other dark color in your life.
  6. You must eat jaggery after meals.

What does the year 2025 hold for individuals with Mulank 1?

The year 2025 is just around the corner, as December marks the final month of 2024. In numerology, the number for any year is determined by adding up all its digits. For 2024, the Mulank is calculated as 2+0+2+4=8.

In 2025, 2+0+2+5 = 9, so according to this, 9 is mulank of year 2025. In numerology, Mars is the lord of mulank 9. Mars is considered to be the factor of energy, courage, leadership and valor. Mars will be strong in 2025.

Let’s know what benefits people with mulank 1 are going to get in the coming new year.

Career – Since 2025 adds up to 9, which is compatible with Mulank 1, it could bring opportunities for promotions or increased responsibilities at work.

Health –  They will be full of new energy and enthusiasm.

Finances – This year will be good for their finances. 

Relationships – Individuals with mulank 1 may find opportunities to strengthen their relationship with their spouse. For those who are unmarried or considering marriage, this year holds promising prospects.


This information in this content is through numerological interpretations and common characteristics associated with people born having Mulank 1. These may or may not apply to a person because each individual is unique due to several factors other than numerology, such as personal experiences, environment, and upbringing. This article should not be taken for granted as a definitive description, and personalities may be diverse. Always consider the numerological revelations in a light manner and always consider them as guidance and not as a law.

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